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  1. @Magicbounce @Fusionflair That absolutely worked! Thank you so much for your help
  2. Trust me i have enough detonated wam to cover this game a thousand times over lol and i have minimal backround apps running at all times. I have a duplicate of this exact rig that my son uses and his pokedex does not have this issue.
  3. Everytime i leave letters in the pokedex search bar and close it. The next time i click on dex it takes 3-5 minutes for it to fully open. It also happens when i click on "any pokemon in the area" side drop box. Its been like this for a while just never got around to reporting it. I also have tried deleting and reinstalling. So im assuming its account related. thank you!
  4. want magnezone
  5. S.O 1.5 mil Min C.O 20k Auction starts after first bid 24 hr Accepted Payments PokeDollars $$ Coin Capsule = 350k
  6. 350k Start , 50k raise, 1.2m insta 48 hours after first bid (Accepted Currency) Pokedollars CoinCapsule =350k
  7. Amazing shop! lot of hard work!
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