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Battlefactory last won the day on October 28 2024

Battlefactory had the most liked content!

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Rookie Trainer

Rookie Trainer (2/12)



  1. My discord is deita. Feel free to message me in game on Battlefactory as well
  2. Hi, that one is sold unfortunately. I have some new ones I have yet to put in the shop here:
  3. 1m money on deita
  4. 1.6m ribombee
  5. Sure thing, you can message me on battlefactory when you would like to trade!
  6. Hello, all absols sold, the abra is available however. You can pm me on battlefactory when you are ready to trade in game, thanks.
  7. Hi, these 4 are available. Feel free to message me in game when you would like to trade, 140k total.
  8. Hi, feel free to pm me in game on battlefactory when you are available to trade.
  9. Those are all sold, sorry. I will try to update my shop this week, there will be new Pokemon as well
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