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  1. WTB Cleffa from jotho whit good stat for story. No necessary good lvl.
  2. I really thank you very much.
  3. Hi @Olker I understand that it can be funny for a person who does not play for the same reasons as me. I sincerely believe that everyone plays with a different intention. I'm just sincerely expressing how I feel, and saying what it means with the game. In no way am I pleading for mercy. Besides, I created a post to find a person who sells me a Cyndaquil. I understand that moderators can't do anything. If you have one for sale, we could discuss it. Sincerly, Rremolo
  4. Hi @Olker I don't see what's funny. I find your behavior disrespectful. Laughing at a person's pain is a shame. I hope this never happens to you.
  5. Hello everyone, Due to an error (see here) I am desperately looking for a cyndaquil on Jotho in order to make my story. If you have any, please show it to me. Preferably, that he has good stats for the story and not necessarily for the pvp. Rremolooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo
  6. Hi @Happymango Thank you for your reply. I understand your impossibility, that's why I won't insist. However, for the solution to buy one, there are two problems: 1) you have to find one who sells it, and answer my request. 2) This pokemon can cost me dearly. Although I managed to get some money, I think if I took any it would ruin me. And in the end, my mistake cost me too much. I must admit that I've given up on the game a bit lately, because I'm really sad about this situation. I lost the desire to keep playing. Especially after having worked so hard to get there. It's a bit like I was playing forced. I don't know if I will continue on PRO. It pains me a lot. We can no longer find the beauty of the game when such an error weighs heavily. I hope this problem will find a happy end. But, I'm starting to realize that won't be the case. In any case, thank you for your efforts to answer me.
  7. I saw that it was possible to transfer an account on the silver server to the glod. But I have another account on Gold that I don't use and would like to delete. In order to transfer my account from the silver server to the gold.
  8. Hi, I'm Rremolo, a French-speaking player. I speak English by google translate lol. I am curious to know the world of PRO.
  9. After a lot of effort and help, I was able to find it. Thank you so much.
  10. Good morning, I've been playing PRO for several weeks now. But today I made a bad manipulation which calls into question my whole game. I took the wrong starter for Jotho. I wanted to take Cyndaquil but pressed "yes" on Totodile by mistake. I addressed myself on the discord but, one refused my request to exchange my starter. I took it, but I immediately left the game. The pokemon Totodile had no fight. Would it be possible to trade it for me with Cyndaquil? Please accept my request.
  11. Hello, I've been trying to capture a pidgetto with nocturnal feather for 3 days. I know very well that it appears in the morning and in the evening. However, 3 days is getting boring. I understand that you have to be patient. But I play pro to pass some time. And if my game time is just two-stepping back and forth on Route 16 for days on end, I'd lose the urge to play. I don't want to lose this desire. Also, I'm buying coins, so I'm a paying player, and will probably pay again. But, if having the HM02 fly becomes impossible or too painful, I would have to stop playing and turn to another game. I know that kind of talk is not appropriate. But understand that it hurts me to pay for a game where I am no longer having fun. Especially since basically it helps me calm down during my breaks. Sincerely, Rremolo
  12. Bonjour, je suis nouveau arrivant, mais j'ai déjà la volonté de rejoindre une guilde. Si une personne parle français sur le serveur silver, qu'il vienne me contacter. Merci d'avance, Rremolo
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