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Varun9696 last won the day on November 15 2023

Varun9696 had the most liked content!


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Beast Trainer

Beast Trainer (5/12)



  1. @Lordofthetradesi did the trade with tin still i am in a little confusions with the winner so I reported this auction and asked a mod to check whos the winner as I was not able to match the timing Looking forward for a mods reply
  2. SO 2M MIN BID 100K TIME : 48 HOURS ( WILL END AT 14:50 IST ) ACCEPT IV RR 500K CC 400K CONTACT iivarun on dc or varun9696/pokeattack3 in game GL PPL
  3. @Tin2207lemme know when unare online
  4. SO 1K MIN BID 1K TIME : 12 HOURS ACCEPT CC 450K IV RR 500K RC 4K CONTACT iivarun on dc // varun9696 in game NOTE : AUCTION STARTS AFTER ITS 1ST BID GL PPL
  5. dm iivarun on discord
  6. 200k lar
  7. @Joksch96let me know when online
  8. @Henrypart2bro i cant bid 200k as the bid of 100k was mine only so I can't mid more xD
  9. 500k gible and my bid 100k rib is counted as 150k bid is not counted min bid 100k not 50k
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