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Rookie Trainer

Rookie Trainer (2/12)



  1. start togekiss
  2. 350k rotom
  3. Congrats @Agate for winning the mimikyu and @Supahotfiregre for winning the lopunny. Message me in game whenever yall can. My ign is lazyse
  4. 5 hours left for lopunny and mimikyu
  5. someone already bid 350k for lop did you want to do 450k?
  6. I wont be holding it for much longer, please message me today or i'll have to sell it to someone else
  7. bump
  8. .
  9. silver message me when you're on : lazyse
  10. yuh i can dothat
  11. Hello, can you do 175k for jangmo-o?
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