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  1. Have been gone from the game for a while and hadn't known Rotoms needed to be in a specific area to change forms. It was 99 (from the global de-level I assume) already so I didn't get to test it beforehand. Pokemon + ID:
  2. One again sorry for late responses has been away. PM me with an offer here or on the game. Alright pm me when you're online
  3. Sorry for the late response been sick. All prices are listed next to the Pokemon.
  4. Again I'm only pointing out an inaccuracy in the use of the clauses you posted I was never here to talk about how they operate in this games current pvp, like I said to blader if its about buggy problems then request a vote on it, I ain't got an issue on that go for it m8. Also in regards to the rule sets, like I said in my first post the ruleset is or at least seems to be focused on a revised Gen 6 OU. It not a fully focused rule set due to the fact EVERY ability isn't in but, it would be hard to place rulings on the OU and BL Mon from Gen 6 that ARE working if you didn't take that gens rule into account. That being said a few abilities/moves from 5, 4 and even before that aren't working as well (eg. trace, illusion, mold breaker, overcoat, zen mode, heck sheer force was only added when sinnoh was released, lack of TR etc.) but we aren't going to fall back to gen 2/3 rules because of that are we? No. I get what you're trying to say but, to me personally, it would make little sense to set the rules back to focus on a previous gen when they are also incomplete in a few aspects themselves. It's always been hard to promote diversity in comp pvp teams. There's a reason the Smogon tier listing were made in the first place, and as we lack a tier split it's gonna be less likely you see someone rocking a shiny Dunsparce or a Sunny day whims and RD sable in comp when talon, bro, bliss, and weather setters are in play, that's just how it rolls. I mean I'm the type of person to play those regardless of what everyone else is doing. I even rock an Evio Golbat in half my teams so I say if you wanna see more diversity do it yourself. Once more, if it's an issue on bugs involving the moves/abilities then again go ahead request a vote for it, I ain't gonna argue that :y:. That's all I got to say on this
  5. I don't think it's fair to assume the rules are based off of a Gen 6 OU smogon rule subset for two reasons, 1. It hasn't been officially stated it was based off Gen 6 OU smogon 2. There is a Clause that is exclusive to Gen 5 in the rules (Baton Pass). ... It hasn't been made official but most of the move sets (for those with the proper movesets anyway) are based on the Gen 6 movesets. Not to mention the game has a majority of the gen 6 dex excluding legionaries (and megas) of courses are in the game at the moment. It would be expected for them to be using the rules of that same gen, and would make little sense to set them back to a Gen before there were created and put into comp. Also a direct-link to the actual X/Y Gen 6 Blanket Clauses. https://www.smogon.com/xy/articles/clauses And the Gen 6 OU Specific Clauses. https://www.smogon.com/dex/xy/formats/ou/ You'll can see from the actual website what they actually have for X/Y. Drizzle + SS, Drought + Chloro and Sand Stream + SR were made legal in that gen while Evasion is still tier wide and BP clause was still in effect up to the OU tier. As for your suggestions you should probably take that up with the widespread PVP community across the three server but it's unlikely anyone will go for those changes. Yea if that's the main issue with it then sure I'd say put in a request for a vote on it. I was simply pointing out to Shuld the base "Evasion Clause" does not include the abilities in Gen 6, rest was speculation why I said technically Flash (and other move like it) wouldn't be on the list normally, but if for buggy effects due to this games coding sure go for it lol.
  6. They are using a slightly revised Gen 6 OU Smogon Rule subset. The Evasion Clause included here is primarily targeted at moves like Double team and Minimize similar to Smogons and abilities like Sand Veil and Slow Cloak are considered legal in the same rule-set. Technically Flash should be taken off the illegal move set as well.
  7. I'm on now PM me here or on the Game when you come online.
  8. Alright can do, but I won't be on the game again til Monday evening so let me know when you're ready then.
  9. Alright PM me on here or on the game when you're online. Am on atm are u? I am now, What are your usual times you come online?
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