Half of these comments don't have a brain and are ungrateful, more forms is just not bad at all half of them are evolutions especially when they're event doesn't mean you're guaranteed to catch ANY of these. It's the summer event currently and I have been grinding every day just obtaining shinies on the event island not getting a single event form. The people worried about prices also are forgetting that sync isn't 100% and isn't always going to be a guaranteed nice IV pokemon nor nature.
How hyped are you for Halloween? - Very hyped everything looks great and on top of that there's new forms for different pokemon!
Which Halloween forms do you like the most? Which forms are you looking forward to hunt during Halloween? - I personally like the Gallade and the new Lucario one, I will definitely be hunting those but everything else is great I would be happy to get anything else as well.
Do you think it's good that there are so many new forms this year? - Yes especially when the encounters are at random for event pokemon, should be like this for every event.
Should we add less next time? If so, how many forms per event do you think would be reasonable? - No I feel like it's good for different pokemon to receive forms that they don't have, also it would be enjoyable for new players to catch and go hunt for themselves.
Which Pokémon do you think deserves a form, and for which event would you prefer it to be introduced? - I personally think a Halloween Beedrill and Dragonite would be a very nice addition especially since they have wings, would be nice to see something cool made from these.
Which mounts, in your opinion, need a rework? - I like a lot of them I don't think any of them need one.