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Everything posted by Sinistros

  1. Auction will end 48h after the first bid for each poke Accepted payments : CC 400k each, IV Reroll 500k each and Pokedollars NO insta buy for both of them Auction will end 48h after 1st bid but if someone offer last 15 minutes, so the 15 minutes rule going to be active S.O 100k - Min bid 100k S.O 100k - Min bid 50k Both will end the 03 March at 20h07 GMT+1
  2. 20k larv 20k dratini
  3. 100k beldum
  4. 600k
  5. 500k
  6. Hey plus can you write the name of the Poke after your bid
  7. 200k nincada
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