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Everything posted by Yakzaa

  1. ok you can pm me on discord if you online :D
  2. alright its done
  3. Up Added New poke!
  4. okk pm me in game or discord:CharYay:
  5. ok you can pm me in game or discord
  6. Update New UNTRAINED Poke !
  7. sure, u can pm me in game
  8. bump , update!^^
  9. yes , pm me in game**
  10. WELCOM TRAINER:RowletHeart: ENJOY SHOPPING^^ All Price Are INSTA NEGOTIABLE PRICE PAYMENT ACCEPT CC 300k IV Reroll 600k Nature Reroll 300k Poke Dollar CONTACT IGN : Yakzaa Discord : KevinF#8723 (Fast Respon) TRAINED Slowbro : SOLD // Torkoal : SOLD // Serperior 300k Mantine : SOLD // Staraptor Max Speed SOLD // Crawdaunt : SOLD Pelipper : 400k // S Crobat : 250k // Ninjask : SOLD Bisharp : 300k // Gliscor : 300k // Conkeldurr : SOLD Toxicroak : 250k // Infernape : 1M // Garchomp : 600k Roserade HP ICE : 300k // Ferrothorn : 300k // Gastrodon : SOLD Serperior HP DARK : 600k // Staraptor : 350k // Whimsicott HP STEEL : 1M Hail Setter Aurorus : 600k Mamoswine : 200k // Aggron : 300k // Greninja : SOLD Ninetales Max Spatk : 400k // Tyranitar Tank : 500k // Gengar : 300k Gyarados : 150k // Dedenne : 250k // Breloom : 200k Chansey : SOLD Klefki : 600k UNTRAINED Helioptile : 80k // Anorith : 80k // Emolga : 50k Aerodactyl : 50k // Tepig : 80k // Natu : 80k Torchic H.A : 150k
  11. In-game name: Yakzaa Server: Silver Pokemon ID and/or screenshot: 36750028 I accidentally leveled my Gabite to 100 and need it deleveled! Please help me!
  12. In-game name: Yakzaa Server: Silver Pokemon ID and/or screenshot: 36361695 I accidentally leveled my Servine to 100 and need it deleveled! Please help me!
  13. Help , its mistake i forgot to evo my poke :( can anymod help me? In-game name: Yakzaa Server: Silver Pokemon ID and/or screenshot: 36361695
  14. why i cant see suicune in tohjo falls? i see them the legendary dogs in burned tower, and they run away, and the i find entei and raiko, but i cant find suicune? anyone can explain why? its bugg? can help me? i cant fine suicune in their respective locations but i can find raiko and entei, thanks before
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