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Everything posted by Benvirisback

  1. Hey, I want to join the guild Ign- Benvirisback Hours played- 81hrs (780 in other account which is not there rn) Fav generation- Gen 6 Interest is pro- pvp + pve both Event I look for- Xmas event Discord tag- Benvir @Xxxrosxxx
  2. @StevenJohnsondm me in discord (Benvir) or im online ingame pm Benvirisback
  3. i asked for price for all, i never confirmed that im buying it
  4. i buy all of them, how much?
  5. a person can make 4 account, not more that ig
  6. 600
  7. hey i want dex service for 5 regions
  8. start auction 100k min bid 50k insta 500k ends in 24hrs
  9. ig time is up bro
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