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About Promithes

  • Birthday 01/28/1992

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  1. need the rare candy off this region locked heracross. tradee did not realize you could trade just items.
  2. I am interested in the Snivy, OT: Madcarthos. Is it still available?
  3. I am interested in the Modest Bulbasaur is it stilll for sale?
  4. Promithes

    New Leaf - Fw/k

    IGN: Promithes Hours Played: 186 Favourite Pokemon: Ivysaur, though Decidueye is a very very close second. Preferred Content: I would say PVE bosses and events, starting to PVP. Dex hunting. i also like hleping new players Pokemon Trainer Career Length: I've been trying to catch 'em all since 1998! Age: 31 Favourite Ice Cream Flavour: Maple Pecan Ripple
  5. I'll buy it
  6. I'm interested in Goomy, just wanted to know what region its from
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