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Everything posted by Wikkedninja

  1. Hello, would like to retrieve: Thank you.
  2. *Bump* More to come soon.
  3. Unfortunately this poke was sold in game and the shop wasn't updated. We have others if your interested. We can give it the 3 rare candies and the trade to max evolve, and cut a little extra off the price. These 4 were not on the shop they were going to be used in the shop update. Instead of your 150k price we'd like to make it 100k for the inconvenience!
  4. Hey Everyone! We are haven a 50% off sale. So come and check out the shop!
  5. Im online now, I should be on most of the day hit me up in game when your able.
  6. Hi i would like to buy
  7. Hi, I would like to buy 3 of each choice item (spec, scarf, and band)
  8. im on now, trying to message you in game but its sayin your not online.
  9. Created on 11/26/23 Sellers: Rosreborn For a fast reply please tag xxxrosxxx Low balled offers will be ignored Fake offers will be reported To avoid any confusion: Simply copy and paste the image of the Pokemon. If price range has no star, it is empty = available pokemon Shop Designer: WikkedNinja
  10. Thanks you so much! I love it, great design work, look forward to hearing from me soon.
  11. Hi, may I get a lapras mount, samurai clothes blue, and straw hat 1 and 2 one each.
  12. Gold server, discord: xwikkedxninjax and thats fine take your time no rush.
  13. Text on the Pfp/Signature - WikkedNinja Color -black/blue effect Pokemon - Dragonite and Hydregion Background ( Optional ) - a dark type backgroud as a signature
  14. Hi I would like to get the Garchomp mount and the Greninja clothes.
  15. start
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