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Superjario's Achievements

Newbie Trainer

Newbie Trainer (1/12)



  1. shiny hoppip, very early, i was only playing for 15-20 hours. My all time first shiny was years ago, a geodude in pokemon emerald iirc. Luckily it didnt explode
  2. good luck on the exams
  3. hi all, here i am again with more questions about the game. (i hope this is the right place on the forum for this) So i just received a notification saying my rank has increased to newbie trainer (and my profile says newbie traininer 1/12). How doe these ranks work? What does the 1/12 mean? What is reputation? couldnt find the answers to these questions so hoping someone can help me out thanks
  4. ok, kinda makes sense tho xd thanks
  5. hi all, i ve got a question. Lets say for example i want to find a halloween Ekans. Do i need to hunt in maps where normal Ekans spawn and hope for the event form, or can i go hunt randomly anywhere? thanks
  6. Hi 1. IGN Superjario 2. Playtime About 5 hours now. + 100 in my first playthrough about a year ago 3. Favorite pokemon Dont make me choose between Lucario and Mimikyu. Me as a kid loved Lucario. Adult me loves Mimikyu. 3th place weirdly enough goes to the new Tinkaton 4. Enjoying the story so far. Would love to learn more about all the aspects 5. Been playing pokemon since i was 6. Played every gen so far 6. Chocolat with orange. Awesome combination Nice to meet you all
  7. Hi all, I'm Superjario, i recently started playing and won my 2nd gym badge. This is my second playthrough, i made it to the Elite 4 in Kanto on my first play but never really played seriously. Ild love to play this game more and would like to meet some people who like pokemon and PRO as well. Im on the Silver Server I remember from my first playthrought that joining a guild is lots of fun. That s why ild love to join one as well this time. I got a lot to learn in terms of pvp but i know my stuff when it comes to pokemon Feel free to reach out to me, SuperJario
  8. Silver server. you?
  9. Thx, momenteel heb ik nog geen discord, van plan om dit wel eens te downloaden de komende dagen. Zal nog even wennen zijn. nieuwe app enzo. Erg bedankt voor het aanbod, zal het zeker onthouden als ik discord heb staan
  10. Hey its-a-me Jario, I used to play this game a long long time ago. I stood at the gates of the Kanto Victory Road, untill i kinda forgot my password. After a while now, i suddenly remembered this gem of a game and gave it another go a few days ago. I think i ve played about every pokemongame there is. From Yellow to Violet, from gameboy to switch, from Colosseum to Rangers and Mystery Dungeon. Now im active on GO and ild love to be more active on PRO. Pokemon holds a special place in my heart. Looking forward to discover the game and hope to meet some nice people along the way SuperJario -----‐------------------------------------------------------------ in een ver verleden ben ik ooit eens begonnen met het spelen van PRO. Op een oud account waar ik al lang de inloggegevens van vergeten ben, stond ik aan de ingang van de elite 4 in Kanto. Echter dit wat uit het oog verloren tot ik dit een aantal dagen geleden opeens terug tegenkwam. Bij deze dus recent weer beginnen met spelen. Ik denk dat ik zowat elk pokemonspel ooit heb gespeelt. Van Yellow tot Violet, van gamboy tot switch, pokemon colosseum tot pokemon ranger en mystery dungeon. Momenteel ben ik nog vrij actief op GO, en zou ik graag hier op PRO terug wat meer spelen. Pokemon heeft een speciaal plekje in mijn hart gekregen doorheen de jaren. Ik kijk er erg naar uit om dit spel te ontdekken en om hopelijk een aantal leuke mede-spelers tegen te komen. SuperJario edit i forgot it was english, just a sec im changing it xd
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