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Everything posted by Rhiquiki

  1. Bug fixed thank you !
  2. A new Client version is up today (29/06) but when I trying to download the latest version for Mac, I noticed that I was downloading the oldest (Spring 24 v4 Edition) . So the same pop-up "Outdated Client Version" appears and I can't do anything. I guess the current version of PRO is not available yet for mac, or for sure, it's not the good version on the download page. I tried to download with DDL and mega, but both aren't working. I hope this problem will be fixed soon, thanks for your help, I will appreciated it.
  3. IGN Rhiquiki How old are you? 23 Where are you from? France What's your total playtime? 592h What do you enjoy doing in the game? I like to hunt rare pokemon (shiny, forms, epic). Would you like to offer some kind of service to the guild? I wouldn't suggest offer service to the guild but if a guildmate needs help, I'll be happy to help him of course. Which Bidoof form you like the most? I'm a Bidoof lover, whatever he's strong or not, whatever is shiny or not, I love all Bidoof! But I got a crush on Raidoof
  4. Hi guys, I'm offering this shiny Victreebel for auction Start bid : 500k End : https://vclock.com/timer/#date=2023-11-10T12:00:00&title=Victreebel+Auction+Timer&sound=xylophone&loop=1 Insta prise : 5m Min bid : 50k Accepted payment : pokedollars cc = 400k Reroll : nature = 250k ; iv = 500k Contact : IGN : Rhiquiki Discord : Rhiquiki
  5. After a game crash I wanted to restart my game but when I want to logged in the gold server it said me that I'm already connected... I try to restart the game, to restart the client but nothing change.
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