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  1. wtb hp ground volcarona
  2. about that error it seems that my Aron is evolving but I keep dragging and dropping the item so it gets stuck. And I can move it again when I exit the client completely, not relogin
  3. i got stuck in hoopa dungeon. I cant move, cant switch pokemon lead still can chat. Relogin doesn't work. i fighting with starmie crobat. Starmie use toxic, my gya use bite. When the battle not end i drag lum berry to my gya when my gya can OHKO crobat. And when the battle end, i got stuck PROClient 2024-12-05 12-56-27.mp4 PROClient 2024-12-05 12-52-08.mp4 PROClient 2024-12-05 12-56-27.mp4
  4. 200K for medi
  5. wtb calm eevee 150 k
  6. wtb feebas untraind 50k
  7. 500k
  8. WTB: life orb and damp rock ingame: ipad
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