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  1. I sent him a pm and he doesn't answer here either. If you like to force trade, it would help me a lot. This has been going on for a while.I sent him a pm and he doesn't answer here either.
  2. Hi, The guys told me to talk to a staff member, I accidentally deleted my strawberry (pink) Easter Day (togepi) togepi. I don't have an image capture because I didn't plan to delete it... I thought I was deleting another one and the chat went by quickly. I didn't know they could be recovered T.T I need help to recover it :c thank you very much
  3. congratulations 2004pofe you have won the pidgeotto!! In the auction. I will contact you to give you the prize in the game
  4. s.o : 100k Mid raise : 10k 24 hrs after first bid Coin Capsule : 360k Iv Reroll : 550k Nature Reroll : 250k
  5. Felicitación Boyloveboy4ever!!
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