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Everything posted by Noluckyone

  1. Starting Offer : 500k Minimum Bid : 50k No insta Auction ends 27h After the First Bid is Placed Accepted payments CC : 400k each Cash
  2. Trade done Can be closed
  3. @Sirchancelot congrats you won can we meet verm now ?
  4. bump less than 1h left
  5. Wtb watermelon hat
  6. auction ends 09/07/24 10:31 am gmt+2
  7. Starting Auction : 200k Minimum Bid : 50k No insta Auction ends 36h after the first bid is placed Accepted payment CC : 400k each Cash
  8. ABRA Starting Auction : 500k Minimum Bid : 100K No insta Auction ends 26h after the first bid is placed CHARMANDER Starting Auction : 200k Minimum Bid : 50k No insta Auction ends 26h after the first bid is placed Accepted Payment CC : 400k each Cash
  9. gz @Jadeash you won the auction Let me know when we can do the trade
  10. bump Auction ends 10/02/24 1:43pm gmt+2
  11. Starting Auction : 2m Minimum Bid : 200k No insta Auction Ends 50h after the first bid is placed Accepted Payment CC : 400k each Cash
  12. close please
  13. Trade has been done thank you for your patience @Sayainji Can be closed
  14. gz @Sayainji you won can we meet vermi ?
  15. timid charm trade done theres no bids on the others so i'm cancelling the auction for those can be closed
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