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Everything posted by Noluckyone

  1. @Kartik12342 Hp dragon
  2. Auction ends 10/18/24 4:59pm gmt+2
  3. Starting Bid : 10m Minimum Bid : 1m No insta Auction Ends 48h After First Bid Accepted Payments Coin Capsule : 400k each Cash
  4. trade done can be closed thank you to all bidders
  5. sorry i messed up my calcs auction ends a 4:24pm because 15m rule applies
  6. 15min rule applies auction now ends at 4:14 pm gmt +2 if no other bids
  7. c.o 1.6 by scaryninja 1h38min left
  8. Auction ends 08/18/24 4:09pm gmt +2 Good luck to all
  9. Starting offer : 1m Minimum bid : 100k No insta Duration : 48h from the start Accepted payment CC 400k each Cash
  10. congrats @Mourlos you won let me know when we can do the trade
  11. bump less than 1h remaining
  12. Congrats @Rajkkapadia you won, let me know when we can trade
  13. Auction started Ends 08/16/24 at 3:10 pm gmt +2
  14. Startin auction 80k Min bid 20k No insta ends 24h after the start Accepted payment CC 400k Cash
  15. Auction ending 08/15/24 04:28 pm gmt +2
  16. Starting Auction : 1m Minimum Bid : 100k No insta Auction will end 48h after first bid Accepted payment - Coin Capsule 400k each - Cash
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