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Everything posted by Noluckyone

  1. 240k h.a fletch
  2. start 200k h.a fletch
  3. auction ends 08/30/24 10:38 pm gmt+2
  4. Starting Auction : 1m Minimum Bid : 100k No insta Auction will end 49h after first bid is placed Accepted Payment CC : 400k each Cash
  5. photo error
  6. not yet Just gotta be patient, they got lots of work
  7. 15 min rule applies Auction now ends at 3:36 pm gmt+2
  8. @Financebro Priankit bid 500k a little bit before you ingame, therefore c.o 500k by priankit
  9. @Feneoner i think seeing the hour i've received the pm ingame that sonu117g bid was placed before yours
  10. auction started for both Auction will end 08/27/24 3:21pm
  11. Starting Auction : 200k each Minimum bid : 50k each No insta Auction for each pokemon will end 28h after the first bid is placed Accepted payment CC : 400k each Cash
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