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  1. text me on discord now can come online itachiaz7
  2. Winner- Reevarp 550k pls contact me
  3. Happiny Start Price: 500k Insta: 3m Min. Raise: 50k Accepted Payment(s): Pokedollar, rare candies = 6k Auction time: 48 hours after first bid
  4. Happiny sold to Norex for insta price 5m
  5. Happiny Start Price: 1.5m Insta: 5m Min. Raise: 100k Accepted Payment(s): Pokedollar, rare candies = 6k Auction time: 48 hours after first bid Good luck everyone
  6. Beldum - 66k Itachiaz
  7. Hi. Würde gerne eurer Gilde beitreten, deshalb meld ich mich mal unter diesem Beitrag. Meldet euch gerne. Danke
  8. If i want to login it states that it is an outdated version. Everytime I click on the link and download it. The first time I connect and after that it again shows outdated client (downloaded it 4 times now). Pls help what to do. Thanks
  9. Help. I accidently released my pokemon (15.03.24- 23:35:50. Server: Gold Beedrill lvl 100 ID: 64099343 My name: Itachiaz Thank you
  10. Auction 24 hrs after first offer min raise 10k Start price: 50k pay with pokedollar
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