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Everything posted by T1nkat0n

  1. Bump 22mins left
  2. Start: 50k Insta: 3.7m min bid: 50k Accept payments: cc for 400k, bms for 200k, rr for 500k, nature rr for 250k, rc 5k The aution will end in 48hrs after the first bid. END POINT: 17:06 p.m. Sep 5th GMT+0
  3. Bump 8hrs 23mins left
  4. u won, pm me when u online,ty
  5. Bump, last 1hrs25mins
  6. Start: 500k Insta: 3m min bid: 20k Accept payments: cc for 400k, bms for 200k, rr for 500k, nature rr for 250k, rc 5k The aution will end in 48hrs after the first bid. END POINT: 0:43 a.m. Sep. 4th GMT+0
  7. Is a protean one not bb. Start: 500k Insta: 3m min bid: 20k Accept payments: cc for 400k, bms for 200k, rr for 500k, nature rr for 250k, rc 5k The aution will end in 24hrs after the first bid. End point: 2:41 a.m. Sep 3rd GMT+0
  8. Bump, lower start price.
  9. Start: 600k Insta: 3m min bid: 20k Accept payments: cc for 400k, bms for 200k, rr for 500k, nature rr for 250k, rc 5k The aution will end in 48hrs after the first bid.
  10. Ok ty i got it. I remember that. Sry for bother again. Tyty
  11. Dear staff: Yesterday i check my boxes and find a epic flething missed. So i use the accidental released quest, and the staff who help me said i have already trade this to other player, but i have no idea when and who i have trade with. Btw i have found a charmander missed too, which i need do ev to my friend. Can u help me get the trade infos? Like the player name, the pokes (fletching and charmander i have found those missed and others if have which i may not find in this trade) , and items if i missed too, and the time. Ty, the missing pokes infos i have posted screenshot, tysm for helping, Best regards.
  12. Trade done closed
  13. Sry for late bid. Auction have ended
  14. u won the tepig pm ne when online
  15. Bump 1.5hr around left
  16. 650k shuppet
  17. Yea right, i will be online in 1-2hrs around
  18. Sry but minbid is 50k
  19. Bump 23hrs left
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