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  1. Rudra011


    Players obtain completed pokedex Pokémon data of all Pokémon is unlocked by default Pokémon images and icon are colorless by default Upon seen Pokémon for very first time Pokémon img becomes colorful and seen counter increases Upon obtaining obtain counter increase Pokéball icon indicate in possession
  2. You obtain money after defeating a Pokémon now this money is not stolen from the Pokémon so can't the same be applied to items
  3. So you are saying stealing is good as long as there is a reason for it
  4. Is there really need for terminating account to have cool names Nicknames for players can be created and used Usernames should be unique and all but nicknames need not be unique Two acc can have same nickname and unique username Usernames are hidden only nicknames are visible in-game Mods can change nicknames if the nickname doesn't follow names rules
  5. Items that can be worn by Pokémon/trainer Binds Pokémon/trainer with mega items Doesn't occupy space in bag/pokemon item slot
  6. bracelet becomes a accessory Upon wearing can be used
  7. Wearable that can be worn and unworn Doesn't occupy space in bag/ Pokémon held item space when worn Clears Pokémon held item slot
  8. Removing the need to use of theif and covet Reason: obtaining something is very much different from stealing it
  9. Obtaining Pokémon held item upon defeating wild Pokémon
  10. Let me ask you one thing Eastern event is happening right now What is the difference b/w this event and Kanto normal game play 1. event exclusives (map, Pokémon, items, quests etc)
  11. Minimum requirements min 8 badges in all avil regions World ranking can be introduced
  12. Hi Can you make a event like regional tournament which requires minimum 8 badges of the region to register Upon registration, player can battle against each other in an elimination format Player ranking of region can be introduced
  13. Hi Can game mechanics and features branded out in suggestions and wherever possible like channels in discord server under announcement
  14. Rudra011


    Hi Can mounts be like a feature and not an item with abilities rather than land, surf and flying mounts Land mounts can be for fast transportation on land Abilities running on hard surface Surfing on/in soil, desert areas Dig into ground go underground Fluid mounts Water mounts for surf, dive, waterfall Air mounts for fly to go up or down, glide to float A Pokémon can be mount based on its size and weight and ability to carry players A Pokémon if eligible to mount can be land, fluid or combination of both based on its ability to learn certain moves which include but not limited to surf, dive, waterfall, fly, dig Hope you ignore my language and Grammer
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