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  1. Thanks to everyone for bidding!
  2. Auction ended!
  3. this is a gold server auction if you win from silver server you need to transfer Start price 500k min bid 100k insta n/a Payments: CC 400k / RC 5k / Pokedollars Auction ends 24h after start Countdown goes back to 15 minutes so no one can last second snipe
  4. @Parthib28 you won dm me ingame please when you are online: vangeancx or via discord: Mydrasu
  5. this is a gold server auction if you win from silver server you need to transfer Start price 200k min bid 100k insta 2,5m Payments: CC 400k / RC 5k / Pokedollars Auction ends 24h after start Countdown goes back to 15 minutes so no one can last second snipe
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