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    Rescue Swimmer
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  1. Auction complete please close
  2. Auction winner is IGN: badburn message me in game or add my discord: #chotchboy9292 I’ll be on for the next few hours
  3. Auction: Tanky ferro 01 speed, 31hp, 28spdef, 30def Start Point/Price: 500k End Point: 19:04 07/16/24 GMT-10 Insta: 4m Min. Raise: 100k Accepted Payments: Coin Capsule: 400k RC: 5k IV Reroll: 500k Nature Reroll: 250k
  4. Auction done IGN: Exceeds won Msg me on discord Chotchboy#9292 or in game to claim
  5. Auction complete, close thread please.
  6. C.O 4m 24 hours left
  7. ● What's your IGN? Oppsicle ● How old are you? 23 ● Where are you from? Hawaii, USA ● What's your total playtime? 4798(Its glitched, real playtime is around 1k hours) ● What do you enjoy doing in the game? I enjoy hunting, bossing, shiny hunting, pvp(currently building a team and trying to learn!), growing pokedollar count:) ● Would you like to offer some kind of service to the guild? I would like to help with price checks as i am learning the market very well and would eventually like to help with PVP advice as I gain experience And the most important question of them all: Which Bidoof Form do you like the most? Suidoof, because suicune is one of my favorite legendaries
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