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  1. Hi, basically I disabled the fire heart buff and it still counts as if it was active when entering the room. Only Kyurem-White has a fire move. The other Pokémon are Diancie, Heracross and Donphan. And none of them have a fire move. The problem is solved by removing the move from Kyurem. But even so, when deactivating the heart buff when entering the room, it should not activate with the movements. Clearly there is a problem with the deactivation mechanism.
  2. Hello, I deactivated Lavender's fire heart to get the achievement and when I enter the room with my kyurem it continues to protect me. I don't have any fire pokemon on my team. just the movement of kyurem.
  3. wtb summer clothe female pink, blue or red 150k
  4. auction ended @Vuxuan0123 win. send me pm here or ingame to proceed whith the trade.
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