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  1. Another quest done! Request flynium z. Thnx much, Glhf! Another quest done! Request firium Z. Thnx Much, Glhf! Another quest done! Part2 vday half done x2. Thnx Much, Glhf! Another quest done! Zring, Pika Z, Kommo'o Z. Thnx much, Glhf! Another quest done! Mega bracelet, Lopunnite, Kyurem. Thnx Much, Glhf!
  2. yes currently on silver, sure let me know when you ready, iam online ingame
  3. Hi, Gz you won the auction, please let me know when you available for the trade. Thnx everyone^^ Glhf
  4. 3 hr ish left
  5. c.o 15m
  6. C.o 11m
  7. S.o 10m Min bid 100k No insta 3 Day auction after start meet Accept pokedollar, cc 500k, iv rr 500k Ign : N0che / lyn1311, discord : Lyn1311
  8. hi, 15min is passed, Gz you won the auction, please let me know when you available for trade. Thnx everyone^^
  9. Notes, end time reset to 15min after every new bid according to rules**
  10. Another quest done! Vday Part 2 Salamencite and Lopunnite quest Another quest done. Full Vday quest. Thnx Much, GLhf! Another quest done. Part 1 and 2 Vday quest. Thnx Much, GLhf! Another quest done. Full Vday quest. Thnx Much, GLhf! Another quest done. Full Vday quest for 4 acc. Thnx Much, GLhf!
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