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Everything posted by Dleck6211

  1. Welcome to PRO!
  2. Only two that come to mind is Three Doors Down and Brack
  3. Welcome to PRO!
  4. Welcome to PRO!
  5. [bbvideo=560,315]https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_CPZ_it7jP0[/bbvideo]
  6. 27. :Grin:
  7. [bbvideo=560,315]https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-o-fxjuwEvA[/bbvideo]
  8. Welcome!
  9. 1. Typlosion 1. Nidoking (it's a tie for both) 3. Luxray 4. Breeloom 5. Persian
  10. I'm loving it so far, so you're right :D I'm glad to hear it, so far in my journey there is already so much enjoyment =D and i'm only on Kanto 4th badge,Happy gaming =D Thanks man, you too!
  11. I'm loving it so far, so you're right :D
  12. I'm never the best at intros, but I usually try. My names Daniel, 27 years old and I live in New York (state). Aside from Pokemon, I'm usually into motorsports, wrestling, and whenever I'm not lazy, anime. My all time favorite Pokemon is a tie between Typhlosion and Nidoking. So yeah, hi. Hopefully I stick around :)
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