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  1. ok so, we need a rework for the summer event skin or at least a chroma. I think we need a chroma more than a event form and was thinking something like summer breloom chromas. we remove the green and the light green and add black and blue like the chroma for summer breloom. or purple and black.
      • 1
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  2. Great idea!
  3. C.O: 600k Min Bid: 50k ENDS IN 48 HOURS. 3/29/25. 9PM EST Payment methods: Pokedollars, Coin capsule (450k), IV reroll (500k).
  4. start
  5. 2,3m
  6. Yo lemme but both vday clefables and both zapdoses april fools
  7. 4,5m on chansey
  8. bump bump
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