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  1. Hey there, still doing Full Story Service?
  2. I just received my 5 Pokes fully EV trained Back. Absolutely recommend ! great service. Nice person. Job has been done fast and exactly as wished. Nothing more you could ask for ! Thanks a lot
  3. I would love to buy the skarmory for 150k. IGN: Sunnyxtc
  4. Still ongoing? i would love to lend the Boss Team
  5. Hey there i would love to buy the azumarill 8 IGN: Sunnyxtc
  6. Hey i would love to take the Hydreigon6 my IGN would be Sunnyxtc
  7. Hallo zusammen ! Die Gilde klingt echt Mega. ich habe vor einigen Tagen erst angefangen PRO zu spielen und würde mich sehr gerne der Gilde anschließen, sollte noch Platz vorhanden sein.
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