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About Krimpyyy

  • Birthday 10/24/1999

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    I'm currently studying
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    I'm currently studying

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  1. Re: NEW CHRONOS (Red Server) <t>Hi i have a friend in this guild and i heard it is good so i'm wanting to join!<br/> <br/> 1. My name is Kristian, i am 17 years old, i come from norway and i am in my second year in high school. My interests include anime, manga and of course, video games.<br/> 2. My nickname is Krimpyyy and i play on the red server.<br/> 3. I have 1122 hours and got all badges exept the new sinnoh badges but sinnoh isn't out yet so.<br/> 4. I am 17 years old and i come from Norway.<br/> 5. Beat all the bosses, catch all the pokes i like, get as many of them to lvl 100, maybe some pvp, but mainly pve. <br/> 6. I feel like i got some experience and knowlege about the game and can help new players.<br/> 7. I was in cosmic for 2 months, i stayed until it disbanded.<br/> 8. Weavile is my favourite pokemon, it feels kinda rougish and sneaky, which is traits i really like.<br/> 9. Yes, i have a discord and use it quite a bit.<br/> 10. Yes i am, i respect the rules. <br/> <br/> If you decide to recuit me, thank you!</t>
  2. pro needs alot of small things like these, but this is a good start!
  3. Care to say which and why? the subway system is a great thing, it would be lazy to make flying possible, is it really that bad to pay 5k to travel, which makes more sense than to fly on your pidgey across regions, it also takes alot of coding to make it work, so i don't think it will ever happen, This is an mmo, and exp share would ruin the grind, which is a big part of an mmo, there is a reason it isn't in the game. But i agree on the auction house, we need that asap.
  4. half of this would suck a whole lot
  5. merry christmas guys and gals of pro!
  6. Re: CHRONOS Recruiting 17+! (Red Server) Updated!! <t>nevermind, delete this post, something came up so i can't join now.</t>
  7. welcome back man glad to see you!
  8. thank you for this! I always forget where some of them are
  9. Re: ✰Cosmic✰ "Recruiting" Red Server~ *Updated* <t>Hey everyone ^-^ i'd like to join up here!<br/> <br/> 1. 599 hours <br/> 2. kanto, johto and hoenn<br/> 3. train as many pokes as i can to lvl 100, defeat all bosses, clear all quests, eventually pvping<br/> 4. Well, i allready know tatsu, and he is a really nice guy, so i'd like to join up with his guild to see how it is<br/> 5. I am willing to help out with most stuff</t>
  10. this is really weird, you're the only one with it
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