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About Funnyplayer28

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  1. Title says it all, 30-31 Spd, 28+ Atk, 20+ all defensive stats. Will pay depnding on how good it is. Thx in advance!
  2. You still selling Munchlax?
  3. Theres a New Boss in eterna City. I cant Battle him yet, he's still preparing. I have: 530hrs, quad champ, 200evos, full lvl 100team I dont have: Heatran quest Woud love to hear what requirement i need for him
  4. Lake of Rage egg is a special one, not a johto egg. Edit: Whirl island is not special egg, but a johto one.
  5. Delete your games temp files and redownload it, should do the job.
  6. Please add end of the auction. 180k
  7. I dont have a pic, but somebody else might add them: Twinleaf south east Valley windworks Floaroma town south west (all from sinnoh obviously)
  8. Hey, I usually dont report small bugs but since this gave me a slight advantage i feel like doing so this time. Cutting it down to a minimum, lets start: 1. I did the first 5 days of the quest, everything fine. 2. Server downtime prevented me from day 6, it reset, i started over again and finish day 6 this time. 3. Its day 7 now, and claim my last reward. 4. Since im finished now i didnt hurry the next day, i actually arrived when i had 0 minutes left(dunno if the 0 mins where a bug, but it fitted the time my "news reporter" 24h usually end so i think its not), rushed to my pc and showed him the pokemon. He gave me a day 6 reward (masterball, kinda seems like my first "streak", which got interrupted, continued for some reason). 5. Next reward was the day 1, 15x Leppa. Basically i got one masterball which i should not have gotten (which i accidently threw at a random poke lol), i still have one in my inventory so feel free to remove it. Just wanted to report this because im not sure if this could be abused somehow. Best Regards and sorry for my bad english. Edit: You devs are doing a great job, keep up the good work!
  9. In-Game Name: Sebi130 (my friends account) Server: Blue GMT Timezone: GMT +1 Hey, my friend wanted to evolve his Charmander to Charizard but forgot, that you cant instantly evolve from basis Pokemon to stage 2 Pokemon in a single level up, can someone please help him evolving his Charmeleon since its level 100 now. Sorry for the inconvenience and thanks in advance.
  10. Re: WTS epic staryu and feebas epic <t>Staryu 400k</t>
  11. Re: Trigga's Treasures (update 11-5, epic ferro) <t>Lvl. 16 Staryu, I offer 40k.</t>
  12. Edit: TRADED, got a good offer. Hey guys, want to sell my Forretress Def/HP EV-trained lvl.100 with epic Stats and extra low speed for gyroball. If youre interested just post your offer here. Starting Price: 200k End of Auction: 12.05.2016 23:00 CEST (UTC+2) There is no Insta-Price at the moment, if i get an offer i can not deny ill take that as insta. Membership and Rare Candies are accepted: MS=200k, Rare Candy=15k
  13. No, you need to catchem all yourself.
  14. If you still need them tomorrow ill catch you both, 7.5k each. (kanto) Add me in game: Funnyplayer28
  15. PRO on android doesnt work with mobile Connection for me, giving myself a wifi Hotspot however works and consumes round about 25-40MB per hour. Edit: Just to clarify that, im not using an unofficial android Client and referred to the old Version and it's data usage.
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