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Everything posted by Tr1ckz

  1. Feel free to post in here or send me a message if you have any informations regarding reworked spawns. To find a specific Pokemon or Berry just open up the spoilers and use CTRL+F search function. 1. Berries/General info: 2. Kanto: [spoiler=ROUTES] Route 1 Beedrill Ekans Pinsir Rattata Silcoon Grepa Berry Lum Berry Oran Berry Persim Berry Sitrus Berry Route 2 Ekans Rattata Sentret Silcoon Venonat Yanma Grepa Berry Lum Berry Oran Berry Persim Berry Sitrus Berry Tamato Berry Route 3 Beedrill Butterfree Caterpie Ekans Kakuna Silcoon Cheri Berry Pecha Berry Rawst Berry Route 4 Exeggcute Kakuna Natu Rattata Silcoon Venonat Grepa Berry Persim Berry Sitrus Berry Route 7 Beedrill Caterpie Gastly Kakuna Rattata Babiri Berry Cheri Berry Leppa Berry Pecha Berry Route 8 Exeggcute Kakuna Natu Pidgey Silcoon Lum Berry Sitrus Berry Tamato Berry Route 11 Caterpie Natu Pidgey Pinsir Rattata Silcoon Babiri Berry Cheri Berry Leppa Berry Pecha Berry Rawst Berry Roseli Berry Route 13 Beedrill Gastly Metapod Pidgey Pineco Rattata Grepa Berry Lum Berry Oran Berry Persim Berry Sitrus Berry Tamato Berry Route 14 Metapod Noctowl Pidgey Rattata Silcoon Cheri Berry Leppa Berry Rawst Berry Roseli Berry Route 15 Aipom Caterpie Metapod Natu Rattata Venonat Cheri Berry Leppa Berry Pecha Berry Rawst Berry Route 22 Ekans Metapod Noctowl Rattata Spearow Aspear Berry Lum Berry Oran Berry Starf Berry [spoiler=CITIES/OTHER PLACES] Cerulean City Cascoon Exeggcute Gastly Golbat Metapod Weedle Chesto Berry Grepa Berry Lum Berry Sitrus Berry Lavender Town Gastly Kakuna Misdreavus Pidgey Sableye Cheri Berry Rawst Berry Roseli Berry Pallet Town Bulbasaur Charmander Caterpie Exeggcute Rattata Silcoon Squirtle Venonat Lum Berry Persim Berry Sitrus Berry Tamato Berry Pewter City Cascoon Golbat Pidgey Spearow Weedle Aspear Berry Chesto Berry Lansat Berry Lum Berry Oran Berry Starf Berry Vermilion City Farfetch'd Munchlax Natu Pidgey Spearow Zubat Hondew Berry Occa Berry Passho Berry Qualot Berry Wacan Berry Viridian City Ekans Ledian Metapod Silcoon Spearow Aspear Berry Chesto Berry Lansat Berry Starf Berry Vermilion City Graveyard Ekans Gastly Misdreavus Murkrow Pidgey Coba Berry Haban Berry Kasib Berry Payapa Berry Viridian Forest Beedrill Cascoon Kakuna Silcoon Weedle Babiri Berry Grepa Berry Leppa Berry Oran Berry Pecha Berry Persim Berry Rawst Berry Roseli Berry 3. Johto: [spoiler=ROUTES] Route 26 Heracross Hoppip Noctowl Spinarak Teddiursa Red Apricorn Yellow Apricorn Route 27 Ariados Gligar Hoothoot Ledian Pidgey Teddiursa Colbur Berry Pink Apricorn Route 28 Ledyba Pidgey Sentret Sneasel Colbur Berry Pink Apricorn Red Apricorn Route 29 Aipom Gligar Hoothoot Ledian Sentret Teddiursa Chople Berry Black Apricorn Blue Apricorn Green Apricorn Route 30 Hoppip Natu Noctowl Nuzleaf Sentret Slakoth Colbur Berry Shuca Berry Red Apricorn White Apricorn Yellow Apricorn Route 31 Aipom Hoppip Ledyba Noctowl Spinarak Volbeat Colbur Berry Kebia Berry Pink Apricorn Red Apricorn White Apricorn Route 32 Ledian Noctowl Slakoth Teddiursa Colbur Berry Pink Apricorn Red Apricorn White Apricorn Route 33 Hoothoot Ledian Spinarak Teddiursa Chople Berry Rindo Berry Yache Berry Black Apricorn Blue Apricorn Route 34 Heracross Ledyba Misdreavus Natu Noctowl Teddiursa Yache Berry Green Apricorn Route 35 Heracross Ledian Ledyba Natu Noctowl Chople Berry Rindo Berry Yache Berry Green Apricorn Route 36 Aipom Hoothoot Ledian Natu Seedot Teddiursa Kebia Berry Shuca Berry Pink Apricorn Red Apricorn White Apricorn Yellow Apricorn Route 38 Ledyba Natu Sneasel Taillow Wurmple Grepa Berry Lum Berry Oran Berry Persim Berry Tamato Berry Route 44 Ariados Hoothoot Natu Spinarak Teddiursa Rindo Berry Yache Berry Black Apricorn Green Apricorn Red Apricorn Route 46 Gligar Misdreavus Noctowl Pidgey Sentret Teddiursa Chople Berry Rindo Berry Yache Berry [spoiler=CITIES/OTHER PLACES] Azalea Town Ledian Natu Sentret Yanma Chople Berry Rindo Berry Yache Berry Black Apricorn Blue Apricorn Cherrygrove City Hoppip Sentret Teddiursa Chople Berry Rindo Berry New Bark Town Chikorita Cyndaquil Pineco Poochyena Seedot Taillow Totodile Aspear Berry Lum Berry Starf Berry Olivine City Burmy Fearow Phantump Spinarak Trevenant Volbeat Hondew Berry Passho Berry Violet City Gligar Hoppip Misdreavus Natu Sentret Colbur Berry Kebia Berry Pink Apricorn Red Apricorn Ilex Forest Hoppip Ledian Natu Scyther Teddiursa Yanma Chople Berry Rindo Berry Yache Berry Black Apricorn Blue Apricorn Green Apricorn Red Apricorn Mt. Silver Exterior Pidgey Swinub Venonat Red Apricorn Mt. Silver Upper Mountainside Noctowl Swinub Chople Berry Yache Berry 4. Hoenn: [spoiler=ROUTES] Route 101 Illumise Seedot Route 102 Cacnea Poochyena Taillow Hondew Berry Route 103 Cacnea Nuzleaf Seedot Pomeg Berry Route 111 North Baltoy Cacnea Slakoth Kelpsy Berry Route 112 Cacnea Staravia Wingull Yanma Passho Berry Qualot Berry Wacan Berry Route 113 Cacnea Poochyena Taillow Volbeat Hondew Berry Occa Berry Route 115 Nuzleaf Taillow Scyther Route 116 Beautifly Seedot Surskit Taillow Babiri Berry Cheri Berry Rawst Berry Route 117 Cacnea Taillow Wurmple Apicot Berry Kelpsy Berry Petaya Berry Salac Berry Route 119A Slakoth Surskit Volbeat Yanma Apicot Berry Kelpsy Berry Route 120 Burmy Cherubi Illumise Seedot Surskit Wurmple Hondew Berry Occa Berry Passho Berry Qualot Berry Wacan Berry Route 123 Dustox Illumise Nuzleaf Poochyena Seedot Apicot Berry Pomeg Berry [spoiler=CITIES/OTHER PLACES] Fortree City Pidgey Taillow Wingull Wurmple Pecha Berry Roseli Berry Leev Town Port Illumise Surskit Volbeat Occa Berry Passho Berry Littleroot Town Cacnea Seedot Qualot Berry Mauvile City Cacnea Apicot Berry Salac Berry Oldale Town Beautifly Seedot Roseli Berry Rustboro City Hoothoot Misdreavus Poochyena Shuppet Spinarak Taillow Chilan Berry Kasib Berry Mt. Pyre Exterior Nuzleaf Seedot Leppa Berry Rawst Berry Roseli Berry Petalburg Woods Cacnea Illumise Pineco Shroomish Taillow Wurmple Occa Berry Passho Berry Qualot Berry Wacan Berry 5. Sinnoh: 6. Custom areas:
  2. @shakline Do u mind opening your own topic? I guess it's hard to help two people at the same time. @ontopic I'll let you know once i get in touch with friend of mine. He is unreachable at the moment. Will tell him to check those links, thanks.
  3. Nope, he is not multiclienting. His specification: + Integrated AMD Radeon R6 Graphics
  4. PRO Username: Maruboru Have you looked at the FAQ to solve your issue?: Yes On which server issue happened: RED What have you done before the problem was there? Nothing. Just installed the game and that's it. Problem occurs since the installation. What have you already tried to solve the problem? Reinstalled the game, updated graphic cards drivers. I did everything what was included in the forum's guides. Description and Message Hello So my friend got a weird problem. Ever since he installed PRO - random crashes seems to appear. He is using Windows 8. Unparalleled thing is that crash message doesn't come from Windows, but it comes from original game's client. Here you can see how it looks like: Here are logs from PRO Client: Pastebin
  5. As long as i will have a choice to evolve or not - i don't see a problem here. But it can't be forced tho.
  6. Sounds cool, but i'm not sure if it fits Pokemon world well :Shy:
  7. Ok, won't be implemented. I just didn't see how being able to release pokemon straight after catching him (if having less than 6 pokemons) could be a big deal.
  8. Sorry for doublepost, but could i get an update on this? This should be approved in my honest opinion. It wouldn't harm gameplay in any way.
  9. This should have been implemented long time ago in my opinion. I'm kind of surprised how nobody noticed the fact, that having a password protected channel and chosen admin are important things. Totally agree with you. Let's make it happen!
  10. Jesus christ people. The only thing i wanted is when i go hunt for a pokemon with 2 pokes in my team (4 slots are free for example) and i catch 4 new pokes. All of them are bad, so its a waste of time to go to pokecenter and release them from there. I would like to be able to release them wherever i am to make those slots free again, so i can keep tracking pokemons i am catching. @edit idea of showing the stats of caught pokes is not bad
  11. I don't really like your idea bro. I just want the ability to release them outside the pokecenter. That's it.
  12. So yeah, as the title says, i would love to be able to release pokemons i caught straight into the wild where i currently am.
  13. Never give ur passwords to the internet friends ;d
  14. Re: Memoire [international guild] Red and Blue server! <t>1. How many hours of gameplay do you have?<br/> Almost 100h. Just finished both E4 and won against Red on Mt.Silver. Gathering a nice team of pokes at the moment.<br/> <br/> 2. Tell us a little about yourself.<br/> I am 25 years old guy from Poland, but currently living in Germany. I got a lovely wife and a son, who don't mind when "family's head" waste his time on playing games at the evenings.<br/> <br/> 3. Are you able to visit Discord?<br/> Sure.<br/> <br/> 4. Are you going to be online daily?<br/> I am usualy online everyday, as i have plenty of time at evenings and weekends.<br/> <br/> 5. What do you look for in a guild?<br/> I am looking for some people to speak with about different strategies, ideas or simply for chill talks. I dont like to play games without being able to 'open' my mouth to anyone. I am a helpful guy with a big distance to myself. <br/> <br/> 6. Are you a PvE or a PvP type of person?<br/> I definitely prefer PvE, but i guess it's because i never was able to try a serious PvP in any game like this. As soon as i finish completing my team, i will start playing PvP with pleasure.</t>
  15. I want to see how this topic will end, because i want to change my mount too. There is simply no way to check how ur character will look on the mount and bcuz of that i am unhappy of having shiny stantler mount. I would love to change it.
  16. Ok so it seems im kinda finished with the story. Joining Dragons Club and defeating Lance left then. Cool, thanks for the answer.
  17. Hey guys So i finally managed to beat both e4 and today i won against Red on Mt. Silver. I heard that this would allow me going into Cerulean Cave, but there is still guard staying on the entrance. What should i do now? Like joining Dragons Club (or however it was called)?
  18. Ok thanks for the answer. So it can be switched right after the battle starts, right?
  19. Hey Does a pokemon with synchro needs to be present during wild pokemon catch or just be first in ur squad to make it's ability actually work?
  20. Use Xpadder software. It's free and there are lots of general guides around the internet. Thanks to this software you are able to play any game using controller, such as Dualshock 3/4 etc.
  21. Oh i see. I'll stop waiting for it then, that might help i guess :D
  22. Wow, that's awesome. Thanks a lot for the answers guys! I thought that i am in wrong places for hunting shinies, but it just seems im unlucky xD 50 hours in game and didn't encounter even one.
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