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Everything posted by Hundjager

  1. Bid noted.
  2. Noted, auction begins 22:14PM BST ends tomorrow, 10/06/2021 22:14PM
  3. Sold, closed.
  4. Used their service once more, very happy with the result. Any changes I wanted they got straight to doing and worked with me with the piece. 10/10 would recommend
  5. Hydreigon sold 500k Also added 13 new mons to the store
  6. Hi there, I'd like the Hawlucha please
  7. I'd like the 4x xmas stantler mounts
  8. Auction over, winner @Rodblok Winning bid. 3.6m
  9. Bid in game 2m + 2cc (Valued at 360k each) 720k value. Total bid 2.72m
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