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  1. We don't take kindly to your type 'round these here parts, boy. Ain't got no room for you to be digivolvin' and all this nonsense. Now get back 'tcha own neck a da' woods. Y'heard me, git!
  2. https://pokemonrevolution.net/forum/viewtopic.php?f=7&t=23562
  3. I see. The cursor can be made to work in window mode but in my original draft of this I had the word 'option' thrown in. So I'll throw that in now, a simple option in the menu could work to turn it on/off.
  4. Seeing my standard windows 7 mouse inside of the game is way out of place, and frankly a bit jarring every time I see it. Every great game in the past few decades has had it's own in-game cursor. Think Age of Empires, World of Warcraft, Diablo, etc... So I suggest this game gets it's very own mouse cursor. Nothing too fancy, but maybe a little black/white hand reminiscent of the selection hand(not upside down of course) in the main series pokemon games. Below are two ways of doing this in C# quickly and dirty. If the cursor is all black/white like the hand in the main series pokemon games then.
  5. If you check the pokedex in game you can see all of the moves that a pokemon can learn and at what level they learn them.
  6. Thanks, it shouldn't be too hard. The Windows API (Win32) has the FlashWindowEx method within the User32 library This method allows you (the developer) to Flash a Window, signaling to the user that some major event occurred within the application that to get their attention. In order to access it you need to use the Platform Invoke (PInvoke) features of .NET Usage goes something like this, some examples.
  7. Cons: If this game gets too big, the lawyers at Nintendo will sue the everloving heck out of PRO. So there's that...
  8. Thanks for the welcomes :-) You guys have such a friendly community and atmosphere. Love to see a community like this like from my old Neverwinter Nights days :D
  9. When I wait in queue on days like today, it can take upwards of an hour to log into the game, it's worse on weekends. I don't like waiting, nobody does. But it's a necessary evil that comes with the MMO grounds, I think most of us understand that and there isn't going to be a new server any time soon. So to help with the queue I suggest that when your queue pops, the icon at the bottom of the screen should flash, like it does in so many other games/messengers when something happens. I browse the internet while I wait for my queue and I don't want there to be sound in the background(as lovely as the violin music is). The only way to know currently that you're in game is the changed music. So a flashing icon on the start bar would be immensely helpful.
  10. Hey I'm Particle0 and I can be found frequently hanging out in Blue Server Help chat most of the time. :-) I've been playing pokemon since Blue/Red released on my Gameboy.
  11. Want to Trade a Dragon Scale for a Dratini. IGN:Particle0 Can't have 01 -09 iv's in important stats. I'm currently in Fuschia City, training pokemon
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