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Everything posted by Kaykhuq

  1. Re: Sell some good pokes ( UPDATE 15/6/2017) <t>bump~</t>
  2. Re: Sell some good pokes ( UPDATE 5/6/2017) <t>bump~</t>
  3. Re: Sell some good pokes ( UPDATE 5/6/2017) <t>bump~</t>
  4. Re: Sell some good pokes ( UPDATE 14/05/2017) <r><QUOTE author="Catchemolli" post_id="391848" time="1496173478" user_id="1396635"><s> </e></QUOTE> sorry bro, both that poke i sold yesterday, i just update</r>
  5. Re: Sell some good pokes ( UPDATE 14/05/2017) <t>bump~</t>
  6. Re: Sell some good pokes ( UPDATE 14/05/2017) <r><QUOTE author="RussianDr" post_id="390247" time="1495825256" user_id="1648547"><s> </e></QUOTE> which azumarill bro?</r>
  7. Raise it's happiness t max, then level up in Petalburg woods for it to evolve into Leafeon thank you so much
  8. someone can tell me how can i evol my eevee to leafeon pls? :thanks: :thanks:
  9. Re: Sell some good pokes ( UPDATE 14/05/2017) <t>bump~</t>
  10. Re: Sell some good pokes ( UPDATE 12/05/2017) <t>bump~</t>
  11. Re: Sell some good pokes ( UPDATE 04/05/2017) <t>bump~</t>
  12. Re: Sell some good pokes <t>Does anyone want to offer for that azu? if not Derching will win</t>
  13. [highlight=yellow]SOME POKES 50k[/highlight] [highlight=yellow]SOME POKES 100k [/highlight] [highlight=yellow]SOME POKES 150k [/highlight] [highlight=yellow]SOME POKES 200k[/highlight] [highlight=yellow]SOME POKES 250k [/highlight] [highlight=yellow]SOME POKES 500k [/highlight] [highlight=yellow]SOME POKES 700k [/highlight] [/center] [highlight=yellow]SOLD POKES[/highlight]
  14. start 500k bro
  15. start 500k bro
  16. i fixed it, please tell me if you still can not see
  17. https://www.upsieutoc.com/image/claNjL s.o 200k insta 400k https://www.upsieutoc.com/image/claISK s.o 500k insta 2m https://www.upsieutoc.com/image/claYmM s.o 500k insta 2m auction lasts 24h after the first offer
  18. Re: Sell Noivern, Timburr, Togepi <t>bump!</t>
  19. Re: Sell Noivern, Timburr, Togepi <t>bump!</t>
  20. please close
  21. start: 300k insta: 600k start: 300k insta: 800k start: 400k insta: 1m bid last 48h from the 1st offer :thanks:
  22. Re: Shellder/Cloyster Naive or Jolly <t>skill link ?</t>
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