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Everything posted by Lordnewbie

  1. 2m for breloom and probably 2m for drilbur imo
  2. Id say 1m min 3m max full ev trained lvl 100. make sure you teach it moonblast before evolving
  3. Bellsprout is decent... the rest are bad. Vulpix only good for sun.
  4. https://play.pokemonshowdown.com/
  5. LOL You're in the wrong genre.
  6. It would be nice if you had video proof
  7. Re: PvP Shop|EPIC Metagross|weavile|Dragonite|Scizor|+MORE & untrained pvp pokemon <r>T4T <br/> <IMG src="https://i.imgur.com/SfsMs9x.png"><s></e></IMG><br/> <IMG src="https://i.imgur.com/Wj6BTvI.png"><s></e></IMG></r>
  8. Re: PvP Shop|Alakazam|weavile|Dragonite|Scizor|+MORE & untrained pvp pokemon <r><E>:y:</E> <E>:y:</E></r>
  9. why?????????????
  10. go around route 4,ez pz, whats the issue here? Youd really pay 50k to save yourself 5-20 seconds? LOL
  11. Welcome! Pro tips: dont evolve your pokemon! it makes them harder to level, dont waste money on potions, wait untill you get to celadon to buy lemonaids, headbutt trees for berries, and dont hunt pokemon until you have 8 badges and buy/find a sync ability pokemon (natu/abra)
  12. replace gliscor with bisharp, machamp, breloom, heracross, galvantula, megnazone, tangrowth, mew (offensive), clefable, gengar, cloyster, dragonite, azumarill, talonflame. You should us gliscor while running sand.
  13. Or you could just let the other guy win if you give up
  14. switch to excadrill swords dance, donphan stealth rocks, ferrothorn stealthrocks/spikes/leechseed
  15. I dont think so, with all the sand team leads
  16. Im not trying to counter it, Im trying to start a conversation about the best leads :) I hate timid togekiss lol its so strong
  18. I agree, u turn leads are good
  19. Why not use donphan for that he has sucker punch and stealth rock as well, sukcer punch can ohko gengars Oh sucker punch! I bet that does do well, super gimmicky though
  20. https://pokemonrevolution.net/forum/viewtopic.php?f=98&t=55812 Here is my old thread, a little outdated. I'll try to update in next few days. extremely outdated, nice guide though
  21. fake out OP!
  22. my exp boost works. Maybe you shoud post screen shots to prove your evidence instead of typing
  23. metormash earthquake zen headbutt agility probably
  24. I dont think magnezone is a good lead, Tyranitar and machamp leads are common. magnezone is more of a counter to ferrothorn/scizor/fairy imo. Sometimes it just works. (For example Skarmory leads are kinda common, not to mention politoeds on Yellow) I lead with relaxed Tyranitar myself, if I get bored of sand team I just lead with Metagross. It's one of the most reliable lead in the game. (When you get +1 atk from Meteor Mash and tank another hit just to get +1 Agility, it's pretty dank) Yeah too risky imo, metagross I agree with though
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