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Newbie Trainer (1/12)



  1. I love PRO, but I have a very negative opinion about this events: Its too much. Every month, there is some kind of event. Its too much. The player base is dropping and dropping and old players won't come back for the 10.000 valentines event, the 5.000 halloween event or the 8.000 easter event. I like the summer event and the christmas event and thats enough in my opinion. Its logic, that there is is no time to develop a new region like Astrella, if there is an event like every month. Its not possible. Thats a current critical mistake in my opinion. I love PRO, but with so many events I don't see the possibility for the game to move on to the next level. And lets be real: The next Level would be a new region with maybe the next gen of pokemon. So yes, the events are cool, but with so many of them, the game can't evolve to the next level, because at the end of one event, there is the next one already at the horizon. No time to work on bigger things. And that makes me very sad... Best Regards, Blubb340
  2. Many thanks for the answer :) Me and my friend are hyped and back in the game, thats awesome! We are looking foward to these great updates in the future. Best Regards, Blubb
  3. Hello, I have a little question about a news post from april 1st. https://pokemonrevolution.net/forum/topic/123388-url I'm just wondering, is this an april 1st joke or is that true? Me and a friend of mine are hyped, but then we wondered, if that was just a joke, because of april 1st. Would be nice if someone could answer that^^ Have a nice day. Regards, Blubb
  4. Hello, thank you for your answer. As she told me a few minutes ago, it seems that the problem is a specific driver for some usb adapter, she needed for the second monitor. She has deleted that driver and now the can play again. It seems that she must purchase a different adapter or something without some creepy graphic card drivers :D Thank you for your help. It was indeed the driver :) Best Regards, Blubb55
  5. Hello, one of my friends has a big problem with playing pro and other games. She has installed a second monitor and now many games (that includes pro) don't start anymore (many steam games too). Pro is the only game with a crash report. I don't know if that is the right area to ask, but if someone has an idea, we would be really happy. Also, since the second monitor, she can only start Discord with the "start via admin" button. Here is the crazy crash report: If someone have any idea why she could not start many games (pro included), please let us know :) Best Regards, Blubb55
  6. Another guide said the answer is "random" ö.Ö
  7. I have encountered two new questions. One question is about IV/EV and the answer is 60. The other one is about porygon. How long you need to wait until you can pick it up from the lab at cinnabar island. But I don't know the answer. Is it random or a specific time? Also what is the answer to question 3 from above? Best regards, Blubb55
  8. Thank you very much :D regards
  9. Oh, ok :D Thank you for your ansewers. Do you know, where I can look up my Hoenn Playtime? Because I think you must know this for Jiraichi. I thought this would be the number, but I was wrong^^ Best Regards, Blubb55
  10. Hello, I've encountered a strange answer from the prof. in Hoenn about my playtime there. I don't know if that is a bug, but the answer can't be right. I have about 400h of playtime in pro and he said that 199h were in Hoenn. That can't be right. 70% of my playtime was in Kanto. That answer would suggest, that I was more often in Hoenn than in all other regions combined. I don't know why he said that. Has anyone encountered a similiar strange answer or does someone know what the issue could be? Best Regards, Blubb55
  11. Re: WTB Up-Grade -> 150.000 Pokedollar <t>Trade done</t>
  12. Hello, I'm looking for the evo-item up-grade for my porygon. I pay 150.000 Pokedollar. If someone is interested, you can leave a message here or contact me ingame :) Best Regards, Blubb55
  13. Oh thank you very much. That helps me a lot. Thank you! :)
  14. Hello, I'm a bit confused right know, because the fossil maniac dude does not want to sell me his permission. I'm champ of all regions and my friend told me that I should be able to buy it. But this guy want some fragments. But my friend told me that these fragments are no longer in the game. So this is a bug? I don't know how to get this permission. The dude does not sell it and the "guards" don't give me access. Can someone help me, please? Best Regards, Blubb55 [Red Server]
  15. hello everyone, me and my friend have a little problem about pokemon sun and moon and the nintendo 3ds. If anyone knows the answer, it would be very cool^^ We two have 1 nintendo 3DS and we both want to play pokemon sun. Now we wonder, if we both could play pokemon sun on the same single 3ds or is this not possible, because only one game of a kind can be played on one 3ds? If one would play sun and the other would play moon it would be fine I think, but we both want sun xD Is that possible to play 2 Sun versions on 1 Nintento 3ds? Many thanks for your help in advance! Best Regards, Blubb
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