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Posts posted by Attitude

  1. Hi,


    Selling this shiny Sinnoh starter Torterra! 


    Location: Gold server. Will come to Silver if required.


    Accepting the following: 

    - Money
    - Coin Capsule: 400k each

    - IV reroll: 700k each

    - Nature reroll: 350k each

    - 100x RC: 700k per 100


    Auction details: 

    - Duration: 48 hours / 2 days
    - Starting offer: 10m 

    - Minimum increase: 500k 

    - Insta: 20m 


    Auction started, countdown timer: https://www.timeanddate.com/countdown/generic?p0=16&iso=20220517T0815




    Goodluck bidding.



    • Like 2
  2. Please put your answers below each respective question.
    What is your IGN?
    What is your discord?
    Tell us a little about yourself.
    So I play PRO since 2015, which has definitely been fun over the years. 
    In real life I have a decent sized YouTube channel and work as an IT Support Engineer for a big international company. 
    Next to that I fitness and play games, also like to make money on the side by doing anything tbh.
    How many hours do you currently have?
    Around 2.300 hours (all AFK of course!)
    Do you know any existing members?
    Yeah I know a few for sure, and many within PRO
    Have you been in a guild before? If so, which one(s)?
    Yes, NoMercy.
    What are your expectations for this guild?
    I mean Ascension has been a well known guild within PRO for years, so I'd expect it to be a good guild.
    What You are looking for from the guild?
    I just like to be in vc/pvp/have fun/ collect Event/shinies. 
    Small problem; I kinda gave away like 50m+ in cash/mons so I have to kind of lend mons or get them in a different way.
    What other games do you play online?
    Sometimes Forza Horizon, League of Legends, but I don't game much tbh
    What is your favorite pokemon and what made them stick out to you?
    Lucario is bae I've had best Lucario in every sprite in the game. (shiny/xmas/reg)
    I loved it ever since watching the movie Lucario and the Mystery of Mew.
    In your own words, please describe why you need to be recruited into this guild.
    I like socializing, know a lot of people within PRO and I'm an old time player that can add value to the guild.
    If you're interested in PvP what is your favorite Archetype to use (Ex. HO, Balance, Stall, Weather, etc)
    Love hyper offensive, got 300 rating before with h.o team. Usually I'm around 200 rating.




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  3. I don't get it as the only thing that will happen is he will come to Silver to pick it up, which is issued from his own coin credits. It's not cross server by any means as the Pokemon is in Silver Server and there's no cross server agreement (such as: winner has to come to server). This person offered HIMSELF to come to Silver, which is allowed. Don't get why it's moved to Cross Server, because my initial post does not state anything regarding "winner has to come to Silver to pick it up" or "Pokemon is from Silver Server". So now it's even less clear, but thanks for the move of this topic. @Eon 🙂


    Around 10h left. 

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