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Posts posted by Attitude

  1. Hi,


    Auctioning my max speed PvP ready Battle Bond Greninja.


    Auction lasts 24 hours after starting offer

    Starting offer: 1.5m

    Current offer: 2.1m

    Minimum increase: 200k

    Insta price: 5m

    Time left: https://countingdownto.com/?c=3259601


    Accepted payments: Money, Coin Capsule as 400k, IV Re-roll 700k & Nature Re-roll 350k.


    If the auction receives a bid during the last 15 minutes, the ending point is delayed to +15 minutes from that bid, until someone being the c.o. for 15 minutes wins. 


    Good luck. 

    Ash Greninja.png

  2. Dear Staff


    Screenshot: https://imgur.com/a/7cDm4

    Server: Red Server

    Username: Isparkton

    Occured on: August 20th - 25th


    I captured two Clamperls on route 126 Underwater & route 129 Underwater. After catching one on Route 126, I evolved it with someone in a Poke Center. After trading, the OT which was my name (Isparkton in-game) got removed/went blank for me. Someone in-game helped me and said I could either make a post on the forums, or catch a new Clamperl. I caught a new Clamperl not too long later and traded it with someone. I told him to let me evolve it, so he declined the evolution prompt thing. I evolved it and once again, the OT went blank/my name got removed. I would love to go to Sinnoh and perhaps receive a Huntail on my username. Thank you for reading!


    - iSparkton

  3. Re: Reborn [international Guild][Recruiting][Red Server]


    <r><B><s></s>- Name / In Game name:<e></e></B> iSparkton<br/>

    <B><s></s>- Hours played:<e></e></B> 220<br/>

    <B><s></s>- Where are you from?:<e></e></B> The Netherlands<br/>

    <B><s></s>- What's your playtime / How often do you play PRO?:<e></e></B> I play PRO every single day, this could be 10 minutes and this could be 3 hours.<br/>

    <B><s></s>- Why do you want to be part of Reborn?:<e></e></B> It sounds like a lot of fun being in a guild to have more fun playing this game :)<br/>


    <B><s></s>* About myself: <e></e></B><br/>


    I'm a gamer that likes to play Pokemon, I also play the game Minecraft but not too active. I also post videos on YouTube under the name "iSparkton". Apart from that, I just play PRO to relax after work and school. <br/>


    Thanks for reading</r>

  4. Hello,


    I was wondering if you guys have ranked tips for me, I've been playing for 1 week or so and cleared the 2 regions, now I wanna start playing ranked. This is my current team (ignore the second gengar, lend it for something) https://gyazo.com/601934af5ce46332d6b782575d2766a2

    I need to capture a Milotic, atleast thats what I heard (that its a really strong pokemon) is there any pokemons specific that are strong in ranked? My natures of all my pokemon are pretty good, Adamant haxorus, adamant lucario, rash gengar with spt 31 iv, modest ampharos. Help is appreciated, thanks a lot if you can!



  5. Hello,


    I am kinda new to the community of PRO, I just went to Johto after finishing Kanto within 1 weekend of playtime, I was wondering when the new region is coming out. Is there any aproximate date? Also, why does it show 3 layers of badges when theres only 2 regions active? My last question is; how do we catch pokemons from Sinnoh?


    Thanks in advance

  6. 33340
    33282 Hello,


    I have a few questions -- on which server do I have to login? Test Server, PRO Server?

    It also says I can't login for some reason, even though the slots aren't full. Do you have to buy PRO to join PRO Server? Is the Test server where everyone plays on?


    Thanks in advance


    PRO Server is the only server that we use right now.


    Whenever you receive the "can not connect to server message," the game is either full or temporarily down. I know this can be frustrating, but it's a good thing that so many players are interested in playing this great game.


    Also, PRO will always be a free 2 play game.

    Ok thank you very much for your answer, when do you think they're gonna upgrade PRO slots?

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