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Everything posted by Renji333

  1. This bid is canceled since Bhimoso bid before and higher. @Bhimoso takes the lead and the throne for now, will he win the game of throne ? That is the question... Continue to next episode !
  2. I would need the explanation too because I thought that you need to start with the minimum bid. At least, that's what everybody did before... But it doesn't really matter to me what it starts with, it's just to follow the rules you know.
  3. Hello Waka, because the minimum bid is 25K, I won't be able to accept your offer. I think everyone should follow the same rules or a moderator might not be happy .
  4. SALAMENCE S.O : 0K AZUMARILL S.O : 0K SCYTHER S.O : 0K ------------------------------------------ MIN RAISE : 25K END OF AUCTION : 48H AFTER FIRST BID
  5. For reminder : [Poke73543976] c.o 300k by Bcuz6287 - [Poke72349386] c.o 200k by Gaskarth - [Poke73760337] c.o 0k - min bid 25k
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