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Everything posted by Newplayer92

  1. very cool :Cool:
  2. 1.2m :confused:
  3. Re: WTS God Absol PVP ready 165 ivs 31 att 31 spe <r>1.5m <E>:confused:</E></r>
  4. Re: _ Wenzer's Daycare Services -⋆- Leveling and EV Training _ <t>i need ev train alot add me m8 ty ingame : newplayer92</t>
  5. 900k :devil:
  6. i buy insta 1.5 :Smile:
  7. Re: Wts shiny cherrim! 1st(?) both servers <t>you go in other topics and say this shiny isnt this worth and stuff like that and even mee i see more of shiny cherim sry 12m? ur stupid xD?</t>
  8. Friendlist-Bug Hi i know me english is bad but i hope u understand. If i add a friend, and go offline he is no more in me friendlist this happen to me everytime since +- 1 month. I try to delete some guys for more spots but change nothing hope u can fix. ty :Heart:
  9. https://www.fotos-hochladen.net/view/moxiehectafwq0onjcb6.jpg 600k start 900k insta gl :y:
  10. want to buy 100c =300k ign:Newplayer92
  11. arca lvl 62 and honch 5k each
  12. Re: WTS epic staryu <t>its like a quiz here no one want do that</t>
  13. i buy insta.. :y:
  14. Re: WTS epic staryu and feebas epic <r><E>:y:</E> 600k.</r>
  15. add me Newplayer92 maybe i can :y:
  16. 1.5m if i win add me newplayer92
  17. i bid 10k :*
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