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About Giorgio883

  • Birthday June 16

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Rookie Trainer

Rookie Trainer (2/12)



  1. Trade completed, can be closed
  2. Hello, would you take 700k for the 30/24 Charmander?
  3. Please post the offers on a different comment, along with a proof by screenshot (if they're done in game). Otherwise I won't be able to know if someone has counteroffered. As things stand, I still consider my 600k bid as winning.
  4. Congratulations, you've won the auction. You can pm me in game for the trade. IGN Giorgio883
  5. Grimer 1 - 30k bid by Darachan
  6. Greetings, CO: 30k Min Bid: 10k End: 3h after first offer is met No Instas. Cash only. Grimer For the sake of clarity, I've removed the other 4, as they hadn't received any offer yet.
  7. 250k
  8. Start 600k
  9. bumperoni pepperoni
  10. Hello there, I'd like to buy the Adamant Dragonite for 240k
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