Smartest: Derpro Kappa
Friendliest: Mastapasta
Funniest: Laertes
Coolest: Glogs (damn ur shiny fishy)
Comeback Player of the Year: ThePokeMaestro
Most Talkative: genometrics
Most Trustworthy: Fabion97
Most Helpful: Popinsmoke
Most Missed: guanxi haHAA
Most Influential: Snowbull
Most Intriguing: Farzeen Kappa
Best GM: Suhuzen
Best CC: Shary
Best MOD: Letrix
Best CS: Naero
Best Artist: Sirmeowington
Best Mapper: Tiggus
Most Professional Staff: Letrix
Most Friendly Staff: Suhuzen
Most Dedicated Staff: Neroli
Most Honorable Former Staff: Chappy