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Everything posted by Sharlank

  1. uhm... it's a drag and drop, takes like 1 second x.x
  2. Unluckily you can't erase your progress, however you can create up to 2 accounts with the same email or 4 using different emails :)
  3. I don't really see that happening ^^' if a new server is to be opened, will be openened by the developers of the game, not by a guy who didn't even introduced himself to the community :P
  4. Unluckily queue times are really long during these days, this is due to players having more free time and an increase in popularity of the game :( Yes, you have to wait the full duration of the queue unluckily, but you're not alone at least :P i'm in queue since forever as well :) lol this is so annoying.. they will fix it? The developer of the game posted recently the possibility of a third server being implemented, that would reduce queue time for sure ^^ but at the moment there is no other fix than tons of bags full of patience x.x
  5. You're probably experience what is called a "ghost queue", meaning you don't see your current position in the queue, but you actually still are in queue :) the queue time is really long these days, so you need to be really patience after you see "loggin in..." message after pressing log in ^^
  6. Unluckily queue times are really long during these days, this is due to players having more free time and an increase in popularity of the game :( Yes, you have to wait the full duration of the queue unluckily, but you're not alone at least :P i'm in queue since forever as well :)
  7. Some are already implemented ^^ new spawns are added constantly to the game :)
  8. I know, queue time is really high during these days :( probably your connection dropped for a second and you got kicked out from the server, is your connection 100% stable?
  9. Welcome to the community ^^ What kind of music do you make? Also when you have the time check out some of the rules of the forums here, trades rules and general rules ^^ Here you can find some really useful game guides, including walkthroughs for kanto/johto regions ^^
  10. You are experiencing what is called a "ghost queue" :) after "logging in..." you're actually in queue with your position dropping (but not displayed), the queue is really long though, so brace yourself :) but don't worry, you are actually in queue ^^
  11. Yep definitively not for one hour :P actually I'm in a ghost queue since an hour and still haven't logged in :O maybe it's a server sided issue, i'll restart the queue until I see the position number going down or standing still
  12. After how much time approx? Like few seconds of few minutes? By the way seems like that this is more a server issue than a client issue I would post screenshot (but cannot) . last time: 00:14:40 Position: 881 Is the "position" number always the same? or does it drop once in a while? because technically if no one logs out from the server that number could stay the same for few minutes
  13. It should be fixed now :) https://pokemonrevolution.net/forum/viewtopic.php?f=82&t=36316#p211917
  14. ^^ enjoy the game, good luck :)
  15. After how much time approx? Like few seconds of few minutes? By the way seems like that this is more a server issue than a client issue
  16. Have you checked the stability of your internet connection? If you're seeing the position you're in during queue, then that means you're not in a ghost queue. The estimated time is always wrong, don't look at that number, but if the position that you are in queue doesn't decrease even after a while then that could mean your internet connection dropped for a second and you got basically "kicked out" of the queue :(
  17. Mamoswine definitively more than 250k, h.a. and max attack, i'd say around 300-350k, granbull and hitmontop not really worth much since they're not competitive at the moment
  18. It's a known issue :( will be fixed as soon as possible by the devs / scripters hopefully ^^
  19. Another player just had your same issue here, so to fix this probably a dev / scripter is needed ^^
  20. Ok so this is not an isolated case, there is actually some issues with shiny rocks :)
  21. I'll try myself the historical site and let you know if it's actually bugged server-sided or might have been just a random glitch, sometimes I don't get anything (no text at all) from the shiny rock in the feral site as well :(
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