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Everything posted by Sharlank

  1. Tried that as well, healing the pokemon in the pokemon center didn't work
  2. In a previous patch note it says "- Moves like Role Play or Trace no longer keep the temporary ability they gain." But I tested it out yesterday with my alakazam synch and when I used Role Play the ability gained stayed the same one i copied (water absorb alakazam lol). Confirmed as well it was not a visual bug since too many synchs failed (0 same nature out of 15 pokemons, extremely unlikely with 50% chance). Returned fine when I copied a natu synch ability, but the move Role Play doesn't work properly.
  3. I'd like to use you daycare for my mamoswine lvl 96 and exactly half. 96-97 = 2k since halfway there 97-98 = 4k 98-99 = 4k 99-100 = 8k tot. 18k IGN: Sharlank
  4. Re: Looking for Abra or Mr. Mime <t>I can sell Mr. Mime, red is down at the moment so no screenshot, 10k</t>
  5. Bump, added sylveon, removed previous pokemon.
  6. Can I make an offer in the forum? IGN: Sharlank, offering 180k for the weavile.
  7. Starting price: 200k Current best offer: // Auction ends in 2 days from now (19/04/2016, 11am Berlin timezone, GMT/UTC + 01:00 hour) IGN: Sharlank, feel free to pm me or to post in forum if you're interested :)
  8. Hi guys, not exactly new on game, finished both kanto and jhoto and at the moment I'm looking forward building a decent team to start playing pvp :) I'm a college student who recently got thrown back into the past thanks to this amazing game :D
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