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Everything posted by Sharlank

  1. Rules aren't boring. :D My judgement is flawed by having a huge law exam soon-ish :'( PRO rules are awesome \o/
  2. Welcome to the community ^^ Ghost types are awesome indeed, my favorite is sableye :p If you're new to the game you might want to read through some boring (but necessary :p ) rules, you can find all you need here: General Rules, Forums rules, Trading rules :) Also there are some awesome guides in the forums, you can find them here: Game Guides ^^ Enjoy the game :D
  3. Hi ^^ First problem: try to log out and restart completely your client, the issue is due to some live fixing by the devs :) Second problem: Are you sure you have all the requirements needed? Also have you looked into new mauville?
  4. That's a really nice shuckle, considering it's rarity could go very well for 450-600k depending if you find a buyer that's interested in having a shuckle in his team (not many unluckily)
  5. fixes pic :) Considering that you usually prefer timid nature for alakazam, but modest is favorable as well, and the ivs are really nice, I'd say around 250-350k :) at the moment alakazam isn't really popular in pvp unluckily
  6. Oh the site I uploaded the images with went down apparently... I'll reupload them as soon as possible
  7. Unluckily the really good ivs are completely nullified by the absence of a favorable nature :( you can sell probably for 20-40k if you're lucky :( Nature almost always is more important than ivs :)
  8. In this guide (https://pokemonrevolution.net/forum/viewtopic.php?f=89&t=23461) munna #517 isn't listed, but probably yeah extremely rare :)
  9. wow, nice catch, new spawn in love island?
  10. Unluckily a new server won't be coming any time soon, the queue time has increased even because of the period of the year (summer holidays) ^^ T^T everytime i log in has 800 in queue I know :( here's a list of the main reasons of the queue: 1. Summer holidays for high school students. 2. Summer holidays for college students (yay). 3. Stability on server achieved => more people staying logged in for longer times. 4. Increase in popularity due to the game being streamed on twitch by an increasing number of people ^^ 5. (and only true reason) Staff implemented a standard 500 queue to let us play pokemon GO in the meantime :)
  11. Hi :) the spawn location of pokemon can be obtained only through seen data in your pokedex, regarding each pokemon rarity here's the full list: https://pokemonrevolution.net/forum/viewtopic.php?f=123&t=23461
  12. Sorry to hear that, I'm in queue myself at the moment, so I can understand the pain :p I wasn't aware of the "incorrect password" message popping up *after* the queue, but to avoid similar situations in the future try to tick the "remember password" box :)
  13. Unluckily a new server won't be coming any time soon, the queue time has increased even because of the period of the year (summer holidays) ^^
  14. Hi ^^ can you give some more information? On what server are you playing? Also you haven't posted any picture of what appears in your desktop, but if you're having crash issues this guide https://pokemonrevolution.net/forum/viewtopic.php?f=16&t=31177 might be of some help ^^
  15. Don't worry, you're not bothering ^^ For activation link issues try and check out this guide: https://pokemonrevolution.net/forum/viewtopic.php?f=16&t=19893 :) Let me know if the problem persists I already try it but still cant be activated. Is there another why to activated it? i already wait for 6hours but the link still cant be used to activated it. Since it's not activated your account doesn't have progresses on it right? What kind of mail did you use? There could be some issues with some e-mails that aren't gmail, if you want to play as soon as possible a good solution might be creating another account with gmail :)
  16. Hi ^^ You actually need to have a bike in your inventory to access bike road, so you still need to spend those 75k to buy one if you want access to that aera ^^
  17. same. I guess with MS the points listed here is true, but without MS or you cant catch or need an higher amount of points? Oh that could be actually possible, but adding double values (MS and non-MS) for every spawn would be waaaay too hard to do :( I don't think It'll be implemented in the guide soon-ish
  18. Don't worry you can recapture your uncaught legendary by defeating the boss Nikola in Unkown Place - Trainers valley, not entirely sure if there is a cooldown of a week though ^^
  19. Edit: report filled in the proper forum.
  20. That doesn't exist in pokemon ^^ Even with legendaries you could still lose because of 2 crits in a row / an unlucky freeze - move miss and so on, there's so much rng in pokemon battles that a 100% win team is never possible :) If you want to maximize your win ratio try to get an unexpect team people won't be prepared for (basically everyone in mid-ladder have the same team as you posted :p) :)
  21. Image fix ^ Its hidden power is grass, magnemite is a common spawn, the ivs are nice and the nature favorable, the ability is "ok" (magnet pull could be more useful in more situations). Considering those factors into pricing, that one is around 200-300k
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