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  1. Re: ♦ Multiserver Coin/Coin items Giveaway (Red/Blue/Yellow) #2 ♦ <t>Red server: virginiser</t>
  2. I came across what I think is an issue when I was levelling a lv 20 Yanma. The pokemon was freshly swapped in, it has 31 speed IV's and the 'Hasty' nature. So it had max speed possible without factoring EV's. I used sonic boom against a NPC's Lv 18 Yanma. The opponent also uses Sonic Boom, and my Yanma outspeeds the opponent and takes a solid 1/3rd of its HP. I repeat Sonic Boom as does the opponent, and the opponents Yanma outspeeds my Yanma. It felt like it was a speed tie but now the opponents yanma is faster. I repeat it again and the foes Yanma outspeeds once more. I have an issue as the only way the enemy Yanma could possibly outspeed is with the speedboost ability which my Yanma desnt have. There wasnt a notification indicating that the foes Yanma had +1 speed boost. Was this an error?
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