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Everything posted by Leeshinjo

  1. i start bid 300k for joltik :Grin:
  2. i'm looking for Gligar/Gliscor h.a Impish with Ivs Atk Def HP > 26 and Speed SpDef > 10 Thanks for your attension :thanks:
  3. 300 :Light: :Light: :Light:
  4. 300k for azumarill :Grin:
  5. Ty! Selling in 5 hours btw. :Shy: Bidding is over! U won. Contact me IG: zMartnn ok :thanks:
  6. Instant: 1m3 You can pm ingame : Leeshinjo Im build sleeptalk for him but you can build steal rock so good Thanks for your attension :thanks:
  7. when will it end ? :Question:
  8. Re: Wts epic No guard machoke (lvl 95)! <r>300k <E>:Shy:</E></r>
  9. Starting 1m Instant 2m Selling on forum and ingame. 2 day left. Thanks :D
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