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About Jate

  • Birthday February 12

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  1. Jate

    Team Wailord

    Profile pic, sig, acting like a tranny :^)
  2. Adamant Growlithe: HP 20, SP Def 1, Sp atk 8, Speed 22, Def 29, Atk 28 and Sassy Oddish: HP 31, Sp def 7, sp atk 25, Speed 28, def 20, atk 30
  3. No nicknames? That's the dumbest thing... Put a word filter, or make the nickname only visible to the owner of the pokemon, or maybe even the person who named it. No nicknames for pokemon makes them boring and gives them no sentimental value
  4. Jate

    Team Wailord

    That thread just changed my life
  5. Squirtle for nostalgia sake, and the hope of it being comp because mega Blastoise is awesome.
  6. Maybe a gts type thing in poke centers too, even though I might have read something about a auction house?
  7. Shinies!!![/center Beedrill lvl 10 quiet with bad ivs Good IV Pokemon Grimer Impish: HP-29, SP Def - 17, Sp atk 29, Speed -12, Def-21, Atk-23 Eevee careful (future umbreon): Hp-11, sp def-26, sp atk-20, speed-18, def-24, atk-13 Adamant Growlithe: HP 20, SP Def 1, Sp atk 8, Speed 22, Def 29, Atk 28 Sassy Oddish: HP 31, Sp def 7, sp atk 25, Speed 28, def 20, atk 30 Looking for money or shiny pokemon :D
  8. Just no. Give us an ingame money sink or maybe even a cool down or something. But make making fly another "pay to have the game a lot easier than it is for non members but not p2w" is a really bad idea. Do you think people are going to want to have to travel for possibly hours worth of time just to make a simple trade, battle or meet up with team members? The answer is no. Hindering fly to an essentially member feature would be a bad choice in respect to your whole player base in terms of how you want the game to be played. Essentially solo, with some player interaction, or a pokemon MMO, where people need to be able to meet up and trade, battle, or catch pokemon. You can't treat fly like you would in most MMOs because in pokemon the pokemon from previous areas can still be needed, and need to meet up with players who arent as far as you, without it taking an extreme amount of time
  9. Guild quests or dungeon type things (raids?). Where your reward would be guild coins/items (Choice band, vitamins etc)
  10. Thanks everybody! I don't really consider myself a lenny face kinda guy lol, so I think we will get along just fine
  11. 1. Scouted 2. 4 pokemon with fighting weaknesses... 3. No special attackers whatsoever 2/10 team m8
  12. Im planning on doing some hunting! My favorites are scizor/tauros.
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