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Everything posted by Boubye

  1. Please i am very sorry i just level him agian without razor claw .. Hoping u can de-level it agian .. I am so sorry agian .. Q.Q
  2. In-game name: Boubye Server: Silver Pokemon ID and/or screenshot: 6599401 I accidentally leveled my Sneasel to 100 and need it deleveled! Please help me!
  3. too low sorry.. its limited poke. thanks Some Pokemons removed due to inactive players who owns the pokes. Thanks
  4. OVAL STONE from DIG
  5. Dig spot respawning time as been edited less than 4 days @Arnie said that in game, but didn't mention New Estimated Time.
  6. Boubye

    Best Staller?

    Well, there are alot of stallers. Alot of good ones too. But i'd say some of the best have to be Blissey, Gliscor, Fortress. Blissey because of just everything. It can heal by softboiled and def by protect which is always annoying and stalling. Fortress because it can set up spikes and stealth rock and you won't be able to because they usually carry rapid spin. And Gliscor will just toxic stall. I use Gliscor and it does very well. Post your favorite staller and why.
  7. Re: Unoffical Patch Notes/Findings (Last Updated Dec 4, 2015) <r><E>:thanks:</E> Keep it updated, Good work</r>
  8. Huntail
  9. nobody is interested am closing the topic I bought it with much more than that and I wont lose 1 m for selling that I would rather leave it. Sorry, I will close the topic and save my sneasel
  10. Sun Nov 29, 2015 4:11 am <<end time will be after 8 hours from that time <<
  11. bo is 700 +ms 8 hours left.
  12. sold in game for 200k sorry rikarduu picture is removed , thanks
  13. you can offer there is no current offer,
  14. its done no held items from kanto pokemons, unless next time u take them before entering johto Good luck
  15. ninja0102 will reply u soon
  16. Unread post by Valerist » Fri Nov 27, 2015 5:46 am 700k BO countdown
  17. bo starts 1.5m, thanks
  18. bids after 24 hours after last bo
  19. Re: Som's Comp Shop [Max Speed Epic Comp Growlithe/ New Additions] <t>Bump .. Politioed 90k</t>
  20. If interested.
  21. got 400k in game sorry all offers didn't match, thanks still on BO
  22. bump for you mate.
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